Plants are living organisms belonging to the kingdom Plantae. Precise definitions of the kingdom vary, but as the term is used here, plants include familiar organisms such as flowering plants, conifers, ferns, mosses, and green algae, but do not include seaweeds like kelp, nor fungi and bacteria. The group is also called green plants or Viridiplantae in Latin. -


A houseplant is a plant that is grown indoors in places such as residences and offices. Houseplants are commonly grown for decorative purposes, positive psychological effects, or health reasons such as indoor air purification. Plants used in this fashion are most commonly, though not always, tropical or semi-tropical. -


A shrub or bush is distinguished from a tree by its multiple stems and shorter height, usually under 5–6 m (15–20 ft) tall. A large number of plants may become either shrubs or trees, depending on the growing conditions they experience. Small, low shrubs such as lavender, periwinkle and thyme are often termed subshrubs. -


In general use, herbs are any plants "with leaves, seeds, or flowers used for flavoring, food, medicine, or perfume" or parts of "such a plant as used in cooking". In botanical use, the term "herb" is employed differently, for any non-woody flowering plant, regardless of its flavor, scent or other properties, and thus includes only grass-like plants and forbs -


A cactus is a member of the plant family Cactaceae, within the order Caryophyllales. Cacti have a variety of uses: some species are used as ornamental plants, others are grown for fodder or forage, others for food (particularly their fruit). Most cacti live in habitats which are subject to at least some degree of drought. -

Wednesday, February 01, 2012

Gelugur (Garcinia atroviridis)

Famili: Guttiferae
Negara asal: Malaysia, Thailand, Myammar dan India Selatan

Pokok yang sederhana besarnya ini boleh mencapai ketinggian 20-30meter. Batangnya lurus dengan dahan-dahannya tumbuh mengelilingi batang. Hujung dahan-dahan ini pula melentur sedikit. Silaranya hampir tirus semasa muda dan rendang terbuka apabila matang. Daunnya oblong-lanseolat, 12-30cm panjang, 3-7cm lebar, berkilat, licin, berwarna kemerahan semasa muda dan bertukar hijau tua apabila matang. Petiol 2.5cm panjang dan buah berbentuk globos, 7-12cm diameter, berpangsa 12-16 dari atas ke bawah dan bertangkai 3-5cm panjang. Semasa muda buahnya berwarna hijau dan bertukar warna kuning limau apabila masak. Isinya setebal 2-2.5cm dan mengandungi 3-5biji yang diselaputi aril yang juga berwarna hijau limau.

Kegunaan dan Khasiat
Buah gelugur adalah tidak asing lagi bagi masyarakat Melayu dan sering digunakan sebagai penyedap rasa dalam pelbagai resipi masakan tradisional. Buahnya yang sudah cukup tua atau hampir masak akan dihiris nipis dan dijemur dibawah cahaya matahari. Hirisan buah yang kering boleh disimpan lama dalam bekas tertutup untuk kegunaan akan datang. Gelugur yang telah dikeringkan ini disebut sebagai asam keping.

Asam gelugur seringkali digunakan dalam pelbagai resipi masakan seperti laksa, asam pedas dan resipi tradisional yang memerlukan rasa masam. Rasa masam buah gelugur yang unik dapat merangsang dan menambah selera. Daun pokok asam gelugur yang masih muda dan berwarna kemerahan sering juga dijadikan ulam dan penyedap rasa dalam resipi masakan lauk-pauk. Buahnya yang hampir masak boleh digunakan untuk mencuci barangan daripada tembaga dengan cara menggosok hirisan buah pada bahagian terlibat.

Antara masakan Malaysia yang menggunakan asam keping:
 Laksa Penang
Ikan Sambal
 Udang Masak Lemak 
Kari Kepala Ikan

Asam gelugur mengandungi khasiat yang agak sederhana. Dalam setiap 100g pengambilan asam keping gelugur terkandung:
Air 30.3g, protein 2.7g, lemak 1.3g, karbohidrat 51.9g, serat 12.2g, kalsium 85mg, fosforus 38mg, ferum 6.9mg, natrium 27mg, kalium 351mg, karotena 155ug, vitamin A 26ug, vitamin B1 0.06mg, niasin 0.4mg dan vitamin C 3.6mg.

Manakala dalam setiap 100g pengambilan daun muda atau pucuk gelugur terkandung di dalamnya:
Air 79.1g, protein 1.8g, lemak 0.4mg, karbohidrat 15.5g, serat 2.6mg, kalsium 63mg, fosforus 19mg, ferum 1.6mg, natrium 2mg, kalium 83mg, karotena 459ug, vitamin A 77ug, vitamin B1 0.06mg, B2 0.13mg dan vitamin C 37.2mg.

Pembiakan dan Penanaman
Pokok gelugur mudah dibiakkan dengan cara menyemai biji benih daripada buah yang sudah cukup masak. Pada peringkat awal pertumbuhan, anak pokok gelugur memerlukan sedikit lindungan daripada sinaran terus cahaya matahari. Pokok gelugur akan mula berbuah selepas tempoh antara 10-15 tahun. Namun pada masa kini, kebanyakan pokok gelugur hanya dibiakkan dan ditanam lebih banyak di kawasan kampung dan kawasan pertanian tradisional.


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WWF Message (Forests for Life)

WWF Message (Forests for Life)
Plants are disappearing. Every year over 11.5 million hectares of tropical forest is cut and then burned to clear land for farming and cattle grazing. This kind of change is called deforestation. With fewer trees and other plants to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, too much carbon dioxide builds up. Deforestation is one cause of global warming. The conservation of plants and forests is now something more people and governments are beginning to discuss very seriously as one way to protect the environment.

WWF Message (Before It's Too Late)

WWF Message (Before It's Too Late)
Plants are one of two major Kingdoms of life forms. There are about 300,000 plant species on Earth. Plants are the only life forms that can produce their own food using energy from sunlight. Plants produce almost all of the oxygen in the air that humans and other animals breathe. Plants are also an important source of food, building materials, and other resources that make life possible for Earth’s animals.

International Aquatic Plant Layout Contest - 2012 Grand Prize

International Aquatic Plant Layout Contest - 2012 Grand Prize