Thursday, October 13, 2011

All About Plant

Assalamualaikum. Alhamdulillah, setelah beberapa lama menunggu kini baru ada ruang masa untuk saya menulis topik-topik yang pelbagai berkenaan tumbuh-tumbuhan. Blog ini saya khaskan untuk perkongsian ilmu dan maklumat mengenai flora yang ada dalam persekitaran tidak kira dari dalam mahupun luar negara. Sebolehnya artikel yang akan diutarakan dari masa ke masa adalah lebih kepada jenis tumbuhan dari iklim khatulistiwa dan yang popular ditanam di negara ini. Pembaca sekalian diharap dapat membuat pertimbangan jika terdapat sebarang bentuk perselisihan fakta ataupun kesalahan dalam artikel yang dikeluarkan.


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WWF Message (Forests for Life)

WWF Message (Forests for Life)
Plants are disappearing. Every year over 11.5 million hectares of tropical forest is cut and then burned to clear land for farming and cattle grazing. This kind of change is called deforestation. With fewer trees and other plants to convert carbon dioxide to oxygen, too much carbon dioxide builds up. Deforestation is one cause of global warming. The conservation of plants and forests is now something more people and governments are beginning to discuss very seriously as one way to protect the environment.

WWF Message (Before It's Too Late)

WWF Message (Before It's Too Late)
Plants are one of two major Kingdoms of life forms. There are about 300,000 plant species on Earth. Plants are the only life forms that can produce their own food using energy from sunlight. Plants produce almost all of the oxygen in the air that humans and other animals breathe. Plants are also an important source of food, building materials, and other resources that make life possible for Earth’s animals.

International Aquatic Plant Layout Contest - 2012 Grand Prize

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